Four Dimensional Portals is a portal system implementation based on physics contacts modification and render texture.WebGL Demo: Four Dimensional Portals by xuwu (itch.io)[Key Features]Render portals recursivelySeamlessly transfer objects between portalsHandles collisions between objects between portalsCustomize portal appearance with custom shadersIncludes full C# source code[Please Note]This system does not support the unity built-in character controller component. Although this package includes a simple rigidbody character controller implementation, but character controller are game specific and this asset is not intended to take into account all situations, so users will need to customize their character controller themselves.The demo scenes require Input System & Shader Graph packages to work.When rendering a portal with an oblique projection matrix, it breaks z-depth and causes problems with effects using z depth (e.g., ssao in urp).The OnCollisionXXX callbacks do not work properly when the collider interacts with a portal.