Fake motion blur by multiplying the objects previous position and rotation information.Tested with URP only, needs 2021.2 and aboveLatest doc is HEREA simple spin-rotation blur to make spinning-rotating object blurry with a mesh multiplying technique.It works with 2 states, constant "angled" option and "buffered" option.Angled: multiplies the current object on declared direction, so creates same (visually better) blur on every frame. But works only one direction constant objects like car rims, rotors or heli pals.Buffered: Buffers the previous frames (object's) position and rotation, then mixes them. Works perfect with 3d moving objects like swords etc.Pros:1. Works for any object (single script for each object).2. Works with any shader (shader graphs too). Script has the "color name" property to hold the shader's manipulation property name. So you can adapt it to your own shaders easily.3. Submesh material can be selected.4. A lot of properties to create the blur as you like (alpha decreasing, smoothnes applying, declaring shift intervals, opacity and deflection selections etc.).5. "Angled" can be selected for any direction. So if your object has wrong pivots, it is just OK :).Cons:1. Does not work with skinned-meshes.2. Needs a transparent shader for best visual.