Warriors are experts with a weapon and rely on their quickness, tenacity, and thick armour to stay alive in combat. The longer warriors stay in a combat.Warriors are experts in direct physical conflict. Their primary tool is adrenaline, which they acquire via victory in battle and utilize to power a potent burst attack that is specific to each of the several weapons they are able to employ. These warrior masters engage their foes head-on, encourage their comrades with their commanding presence in combat, and are always on the lookout for new foes to crush to dust.Warriors need their weapons in plenty, especially in the early levels of levelling as weapon damage makes up a significant portion of your damage. You can level up, do tasks, and destroy monsters more quickly the better your weapon is. One of the finest methods to improve the damage you deliver is to upgrade your weapons. Weapons have an effect on your threat generation for tanking through damage done, rage generation, and weapon speed. Using the right weapon for each situation is one of the best ways to improve your threat generation, that’s why legend weapons set is a most dangerous, fastest and most highly damager!This model can be applied to animated films, short films, virtual environments, augmented environments, 3-D games, and more.Number of textures: 42Texture dimensions: 2KPolygon count of [Model Name]Warrior AxeWarrior Double AxeWarrior HammerWarrior KnifeWarrior ShieldWarrior SpearWarrior SwordMinimum polygon countWarrior Axe : 1244Warrior Double Axe: 1400Warrior Hammer: 1200Warrior Knife: 719Warrior Shield: 1908Warrior Spear: 462Warrior Sword: 2400Maximum polygon countWarrior Axe : 2084Warrior Double Axe: 2714Warrior Hammer: 2378Warrior Knife: 1418Warrior Shield: 3323Warrior Spear: 892Warrior Sword: 2400 Number of meshes/prefabs : 7Rigging: NoAnimation count: 0Animation type list: NoneUV mapping: YesLOD information (count, number of levels): NoneTypes of materials and texture maps (PBR Texture)