ImportantDocumentWebGl TestSpreadsheet ExampleSupportThis is a Google Spreadsheets localization system and as its name says, it is a simple and easy to implement tool regardless of the size of the project and it works on ALL PLATFORMS.Real-time AdjustmentThe asset has a Spreadsheet Synchronization system that allows changes in the translation in EDITOR or BUILD!System LanguageSelect default language automatically according to user system language.SupportsText Mesh ProStandard UISelect LanguageButtonsDropdownInputFieldSliderToggleTMP DropdownTMP InputFieldLocalizesSpritesSoundsTextDropdownGameObjectEventsStringString ArraySaveSave selected language using Binary, Json, XML or PlayerPrefs.ValidatorThe Validation System checks each Localized component in the hierarchy and verifies that they are configured correctly.ExpandAsset scripts are written using inheritance, which makes it easy to create new localization tools.Open SourceThe entire system is open source. Use as you wish, your imagination is the limit!ReasonA localization system is essential for translating a game. This asset was created to lessen the work of a programmer who often tends to implement and manage this type of system. With the Google Spreadsheet system implemented, it facilitates editing and adjusting words or phrases in real time (Builded Game).ORIGINAL PRICEOriginal 25$Promotional 10$