Set of two indoor wall-mounted AC units and two outdoor AC units.Set of two indoor wall-mounted AC units and two outdoor AC units – lowpoly PBR (specular and metalness) models. One of the external units contains rotatable impeller.This package contains four AC unit meshes in FBX format, PBR (URP specular, URP metalness, and HDRP) materials and related high resolution textures (4096 x 4096 pixels) – Albedo – specular, Albedo – metalness, Ambient Oclussion, Smoothness, Specular, Metalness, Mask and Normal map.Ready for any realistic interior or exterior apartment or city environment you're creating!Check it out now in WebGL preview!24 textures (4096 x 4096 pixels)Albedo (specular workflow)Albedo (metalness workflow)Ambient OclussionSmoothnessSpecularMetalnessNormalMask4 AC unit meshes (UV mapped) in FBX formatAC_Indoor_01 (1308 triangles)AC_Indoor_02 (1110 triangles)AC_Outdoor_01 (4437 + 4049 triangles)AC_Outdoor_02 (5146 triangles)4 URP PBR (specular and metalness) materials4 HDRP PBR materials4–8 AC unit prefabs1 preview scene with camera orbit script and related utility files