This Asset consists of low poly Cat, 7 colour variants, 15 animations, shape keys (when using Unity version 2019.4.5f1 or higher) Includes a script to control the animator. Contains a few accessories.Materials will be pink if the version is changed, but can be fixed by upgrading material to the respective Rendering pipeline.Base Map textures come in 7 colour variants: Siamese, Black, and Ginger.This package consists of an animated low-poly Cartoon cat.In addition to the Base Map texture, there is also a Normal Map, and Specular Map,(all textures are in 4k but can be reduced if needed). The Demo scene uses the post-processing package. The eye colour can be combined with other Fur textures, all accessories can be taken off and put on the cat.If you experience any problem with this asset, please contact me by my email at Luna.szymanska.3d@gmail.com for support.7 PBR materials for Cat texturesContains basic Plane and Cube prefabs, for Floor and Wall (includes textures)all textures in 4K (by default, can be reduced)RiggedUV mappedThere are 15 animations for the cats:WalkTrotRunJumpEatIdle BreathIdle StretchSleepSleep IdleSitSit IdleSit CleanMeowAttack LeftAttack RightCartoon CatContains LODs:LOD0Triangle Count: 7298Vertex Count: 4383LOD1Triangle Count: 4421Vertex Count: 2713LOD2Triangle Count: 3417Vertex Count: 2195LOD3Triangle Count: 2139Vertex Count: 1448Collar BellTriangle Count: 1552Vertex Count: 1216Witches hatTriangle Count: 892Vertex Count: 680TieTriangle Count: 922Vertex Count: 608Sports CapTriangle Count: 2246Vertex Count: 1437Collar HeartTriangle Count: 2150Vertex Count: 2121CollarTriangle Count: 640Vertex Count: 588Collar PumpkinTriangle Count: 604Vertex Count: 552Top HatTriangle Count: 1280Vertex Count: 852BowTriangle Count: 2240Vertex Count: 1256