Factory/Warehouse Interior Pack for your PC, VR or Mobile projects.Factory/Warehouse Interior Modular Pack for your Desktop, VR or Mobile projects.This package contains a warehouse area based on modern first person shooting game theme. This is mobile optimized having low draw calls and low triangle count. It is easy to use.Objects reuse materials as much as possible using trim and tiling textures in order to reduce draw calls and increase performance.Here is the Poly-count of every single prefab:Prefab - Triangles - VertexWarehouse - 2.6.3M - 6.4MAll the Diffuse and Normal Maps are in .png format. Here is the list of textures and their details:Maps Dimensions TypesBrushedStainlessSteel_albedo - 1024x1024BrushedStainlessSteel_normal -1024x1024Concrete_Polished_1K_albedo - 1024x1024Concrete_Polished_1K_normal - 1024x1024Concrete_RoughWall_1K_normal - 1024x1024ConcreteSidewalk01_1K_albedo - 1024x1024ConcreteSidewalk01_1K_normal - 1024x1024Floor_WoodCrackedBase_1x1_512_normal - 1024x1024Metal_SteelBattered_1K_albedo - 1024x1024Metal_SteelBattered_1K_normal - 1024x1024Metal_SteelScratched_1K_albedo - 1024x1024Metal_SteelScratched_1K_normal - 1024x1024