This is an asset depicting a Fish shop during medieval period.
The asset includes Prawns, 5 different type of fish and 5 different type of fish slices.
Also, in this pack, You could find assets like, tent made of jute cloth, 2 different style of butcher knives, an axe, traditional fish cutting blade, display table, chopping wood, fish crap, coin box, basket etc.,
Total Prefabs : 24 Prefabs
Polygon Count of the objects available in the asset :
=> Table : 376 Tris
=> Coin Box : 468 Tris
=> 2 Baskets : 540 and 480 Tris
=> 5 Fishes : 500 - 882 Tris
=> 5 Fish Slices : 36 - 254 Tris
=> Prawn : 1238 Tris
=> 2 Knives & 1 Axe : 212 - 336 Tris
=> Fish cutting blade : 86 Tris
=> Chopping Wood : 124 Tris
=> Tent - 1698 Tris
Due to the availability of separate FBX and texture files, these models could be easily retrieved individually and integrated in to the project.
Textures :
Diffuse / Normal / Specular/ Occlusion
Resolution :We have used 2K resolution (2048 X 2048) for most of the texture files in the pack. However, in certain required places we have used 4K resolution (4096 X 4096) as well.
You could also refer to the below set of medieval shops available in asset store;
Fruit Shop
Wine Shop
Butcher Shop
Bakery Shop