2D Endless Runner Assets | Certification Courseware
Unity Technologies
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This asset package contains the necessary 2D art and audio to build the entire game.Asset is under Unity Companion License.Unity Certified User is suited for high school students; the course and associated assets will help students learn to code using Unity and C# to get started in interactive content creation for a wide range of industries.The Endless Runner project is part of the Unity Certified User Courseware and was created to learn the basics of a 2D character movement like running and jumping, simple camera behaviors, art pipeline in Unity, trigger event by using collisions or UI elements, add audio and visual effects to your games, and more.This package contains: 2D Assets BackdropCharacter CollectablesGameOverBGPlatformsRetryButtonSkySunset Audio MusicGameMusicGameOverScreenMusic SFXAmbienceBase AmbienceNight Coin DoubleJumpGameOverHit Jump Land PowerUpDoubleJumpPowerUpShield ShieldBreak