This package contains 8 turrets for tank and base structures in two different colors. There are several bullet types and explosions as well as a desert map available.Tanks & Turrets - StarterTurrets:1x Basic (183x61)1x Bomb (180x95)1x Cruise (169x111)1x Electro (168x83)1x Fire (190x107)1x Mini (164x91)1x Schockwave (163x95)1x Toxic (178x103)Basics:1x Tank body (2 frames, 126x104)1x Tank body broken (126x105)1x Base body (128x128)1x Base floor (256x256)1x Tank footprints (40x98)1x Bullet (46x19)1x Smoke (spritesheet 15 frames each 80x80)1x Tank explosions (spritesheet 30 frames each 300x276)1x Bomb exposion (spritesheet 16 frames each 440x360)Colors:BlackRedTilemapsDesert mapDesert decoration 01 (73x72)Desert decoration 02 (95x93)Desert decoration 03 (42x41)Desert decoration 04 (55x55)Desert decoration 05 (100x109)Desert decoration 06 (51x55)Desert decoration 07 (44x44)Desert decoration 08 (94x68)Desert decoration 09 (126x97)This package is just about sprites. The sprites are shown on example demo scenes but there is no code provided. That is up to you :-)