Large modular set, 499 elementsHi, friend. Here's a modular set of fantasy weapons, which I named as unholy. It contains: Swords, Axes, Maces (one-handed and two-handed); Daggers; Brass knuckles; Spears; Staves (magic!!!); Sceptres; Shooting Bows and Shields of three types - buckler, medium (regular size), Giant (tower). Each type has three versions, for example, a sword has a blade, a guard, a handle and a pommel, all in three (minimum) variants (A, B, C), use it as a designer, and no one interferes with connecting different parts of different types of weapons . And also there are different options for auras for almost every part of the weapon, also in several versions. PBR textures have a glow map, there is a setting for the brightness of the glow and its color. There are 499 elements in total, and 102 items already assembled. The archery bow has an animation: Stretching the bowstring, lowering the bowstring and full animation of the shot. The total number of vertices is 142318, the total number of triangles is 262517. Texture resolution is 4096x4096.Number of textures - 62Texture dimensions - 4096Polygon count of 262517Number of meshes/prefabs - 499/102Rigging: YesAnimation count - 3Animation type list - Shooting a bow, drawing the bowstring and lowering the bowstringUV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps - PBR