A stylized 2D Platformer pack containing a tileset, props, animated character and 6 animated enemies.The package includes:Environment Sprites and Tilesets:Mine/Ground Tileset (64 tiles)Ground + Grass Tileset (52 tiles)Cave Background Tileset (46 tiles)Mine Rails Tileset (30 tiles)Grass Tileset(s) (93 tiles)Stone, Sand and Clay blocks (14 tiles/sprites)Support Beams Tileset (48 tiles)Gem and Ore Veins/Clusters (48 tiles/sprites)Separate Gems and Ores (162 sprites)Pots (8 Sprites, 8 Color Variations)Mushrooms (24 Sprites)Various Props, Spikes, Crates, Cobwebs, Lantern (28 Sprites)The tiles for the ground, background, beams, rails and grass are 256x256.The tiles for the pots are 128x128.Environment Ruletiles and Tile Palettes:Rule Tile for Mine/Ground Tileset (2 slight variations)Rule Tile for Ground + Grass Tileset (2 slight variations)Rule Tile for Background Tileset (2 slight variations)Rule Tiles for Grass (4 Directions, 2 Sided)Shape Profile for Mine RailsPalletes for Blocks, Gems, Ores, Support Beams, Props and PotsCharacter & Enemies:Character (15 Animations: Idle, Sneaking, Walking, Running, Light Attack, Heavy Attack, Rolling, Jumping, Jump Attack, Falling, Death, Hurt, Crouching, Crouching Movement, Crouching Attack)Character can wield 6 different tools/weapons (Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Torch, Knife, Machete)Character has slight customization options (3 Hats and 4 Noses)Spider Enemy (8 Animations: Idle, Sneaking, Running, Jumping, Hopping, Attack, Death, Hurt)Bat Enemy (6 Animations: Idle, Awakening, Attack, Flying, Death, Hurt)Skeleton Miner Enemy (8 Animations: Idle, Attack, Walking, Running, Jump, Hopping, Hurt, Death)Mushroom Enemy (6 Animations: Idle, Walking, Slam, Attack, Death, Hurt)Rat Enemy (5 Animations: Idle, Running, Attack, Death, Hurt)Slime Enemy (6 Animations: Idle, Slither, Hop, Attack, Death, Hurt)Shaders & Materials:Basic Sprite Shader (allows you to alter sprite color, hue, contrast and saturation)Sprite Material (a few variations have been created to build the preview scene)Fire Shader (shader made for particle effects)3 Preview/Demo Scenes showcasing assets