16 Lush SNES Styled 16-bit Music Loops In the style of classic JRPGs.Give your game the lush 16-bit flare that recalls the golden age of the SNES. This asset pack contains 16 gorgeous JRPG style tracks in the style of FF6 and Secret of Mana. All tracks loop seamlessly. There are versions with HD reverb and versions with slightly more dry SNES style mixing including the classic SNES filtered delay "reverb" effect. Songs may be used in any project you'd like. All files are provided in loopable stereo:mp3oggwavThe following tracks are included:BattleBattle with IntroCaveDark ForestDark Forest with AmbienceDungeonForestForest With AmbienceOverworldOverworld with WindSecret UncoveredShopSinister MomentUnderwaterUnderwater with AmbienceVillage