The Second part of the Gothicvania Collection package lets you create a Metroidvania game in a 16-bit pixel-art style. Everything you need is included.CHECK OUT THE GOTHICVANIA COLLECTION 1You get it for FREE if you bought the Gothicvania Collection 2BEFORE YOU BUY!Check out my Ultimate 16-bit Collection that includes this and hundred of other assets in this style.Do you like my work? check ouh this links.---------------------The Gothicvania Collection package lets you create a Metroidvania game in a 16-bit pixel-art style. Everything you need is included.Over 640 sprites made in crispy pixel-art style from the 16 bit era in one collection, easy to use out of th package. From Tilesets, sprites, backgrounds and icons to Music tracks. This pack is a must have if what you want is to create a Metroidvania Game in the veins of Castlevania.Start making your "Metroidvania" game without worrying on the artistic part!INCLUDED IN THIS PACKENVIRONMENTSBackgrounds in different layers, tilesets and props:Fantasy Medieval CountryMagic Castle InteriorVolcanic areaInterior of an Egiptian TombAn Oriental Bamboo forestA Magical and colorful Mystic ForestA Creepy Cemetery8 Different Seamless Looped Backgrounds:Bloody ColumnsA Red Moon skyA Mansion CorridorA Town at NightA big moon over the sea at nightA Rocky CanyonA Pink Coudy SkyA Wall near the woodsCHARACTERS3 Player CharactersA Shaolink Monk with 16 different animationsA Ninja with 5 AnimationsA Spear Wielder with 11 animations14 Enemies with over 20 different animationsNinjasSkeletonHell TigersGhostsOgreDragonImpMummyWolfSlimeZombie handsITEMS50 Different Medieval items like:ScrollsRingsBookskeyspotionsscrollsstavesSwordsVISUAL EFFECTSMagic Spell VFX, explosions and enemy deathsLava BallItem FeedbacksEnemy deathsSparksThundersFlamesBoltsMUSIC4 Music tracks looped and ready to use.Exploration and Battle themes.Transparent PNG filesFully animated16bit pixel-artpng and ogg file formats.hand drawn animation