Fantasy Natural Formations is an environmental package suitable for fantasy large scenes and a variety of game styles.Package includes: 13 Large and Small Formations, 3 Rock models with 2 texture variations and 4 Ground Surface materials.All models have LODs with big formations having up to 5.Polycounts for the 13 formations are in the range of 100k-30k (triangles) for LOD_0 and go as low as 300 for last LOD.Polycounts for rocks are in the range of 50k-15k (triangles) for LOD_0 and go as low as 500 for last LOD.Ground surfaces and formations have 4K textures. (See technical details for full list)Rocks have 2K textures.Additional textures include:Emission texture (emission for crystals)Layer Map texture (for terrain blending)This pack contains: 13 Fantasy Formations 3 Rock Formations 4 Ground Surfaces (4K)Mesh: All Models have LODs. Fantasy Formations have up to 5 LODs Polycounts for first LODs are in the range of 30k-100k (triangles) Polycounts for last LODs are in the range of 300-2k (triangles) Rock Formations have 4 LODs Rocks start at 200-300 and go down to 30 Polycounts for first LODs are in the range of 15k-50k (triangles) Polycounts for last LODs are in the range of 500-1.3k (triangles)Textures: Texture resolution is 4K with rock formations having 2KTextures include:AlbedoNormal MapHeight Map (For ground surfaces)Emission (For formations)Layer Map (For formations)Mask Map (it contains)Red channel – Metallic mapGreen channel – Ambient Occlusion mapBlue channel – empty (black)Alpha channel – Smoothness mapDemo Scenes rendered in HDRP (included)