This pack contains some cherrry tree prefabs in high details.Included in the package:- 1 Cherrytree prefab with LOD.- 1 Cherrytree prefab with LOD and with flower particle control by script.- 1 Cherrytree in winter prefab with LOD- 1 demo scene with and island.Compatibility : Unity 2019,2020, and 2021 for HDRP and URPAll the textures are handmade, except the sky HDRI texture in the scene demo found here:https://polyhaven.com/a/hilly_terrain_01_puresky3 prefabs:Cherry_Blossom_ornemental, 4 Lods: 69683 tris| 24443 tris|8112 tris|2379 trisCherry_Blossom_ornemental_Particles, 4 Lods: 69683 tris| 24443 tris|8112 tris|2379 trisCherry_Blossom_ornemental_winter, 3 Lods: 24443 tris|8112 tris|2379 tris23 textures for color, normal, maskmap, SSS.bigger have a 4096X4096 resolution and the smallest have a 256X512 resolution.no rigging, no animation.Lit materials.