Package contains a collection of stylized party particle effects. Easily drag and drop into the scene.Uses ShaderGraph and standard shaders, ready to be converted to URP or HDRP.FeaturesEasy to customize70+ variations of confetti, balloon and other party effects.Colors adjustable inside UnityDemo scene to easily browse the effectsHigh quality texturesCustom balloon and confetti ShaderGraph shaderSimple Particle Scaler available for free after purchase.Uses ShaderGraph and Standard shaders, compatible with the Unity URP / HDRP pipeline coversion tool. Read the Technical details for more information.Compatible with Unity 2020.3 up to new versions of Unity(2022+)Support available for assistance if any problems should occur.Uses Shader Graph shaders, should be easy to retarget to URP or HDRP.The Shader Graph can be downloaded via the Package Manager.Change to URP or HDRPDouble click the shader file and opening the graph editor.In the Graph Inspector SettingsAdd or change active targets to Universal or HDRP then click Save Asset.ResourcesUnity URP HDRP Pipeline Conversion toolShaderGraph tutorial video