Rigged 3D model of medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned combat aerial vehicle TB2 capable of remotely controlled or autonomous flight operationsUnmanned combat aerial vehicle TB2 and two bomb.Real size 1:1Drone is rigged, you can rotate wheels, propeller, elevators, wing fins and turret with "cam".Black and Classic skins for bombes. You can remove decals (flags and images) from materials and replace it with your own.PBR materialsSkins scratched and cleanSkins Black and Classic for bombesRiggedMesh is optimized.Collisions specially created for vehicleLODs: 4 levelsVertex Count: 41.148, LOD1: 22.782, LOD2: 12.826, LOD3 8.232Number of Textures: 42 (base colors, metallic, normal, emission and decals)Texture Resolutions: 2048x2048 and 4096x40964 material slots for aerial vehicle and 1 for bombs