An editor tool that allows easy export of an entire Unity project to a Zip file, directly from the Unity Editor file menu (on Mac or PC).Import this lightweight package to your project, and you’re ready to zip!To use it:1. Simply select "Export Project to Zip..." from the file menu (Ctrl+Alt+S).2. If your project or scene needs saving, you will be prompted to save (optional).3. Then choose the name and location for the Zip file.4. Sit back and watch the progress bar as the compression is done (can be cancelled).That's it!– Integrates directly in the file menu.– Detects if scene or project needs saving.– Compression can be cancelled.– Compatible with both Mac and Windows.– No additional software needed.– Adds only the required files to the archive:Excludes unnecessary files from the Library folder. Only two files from the Library folder are preserved: `LastSceneManagerSetup.txt` (which stores the last accessed scene) and `EditorUserBuildSettings.asset` (which stores the build settings). Note that other Library files can be recreated by Unity.Additionally, it excludes the following folders: `.git`, `.vs`, `.vscode`, `Build`, `Builds`, `Logs`, `obj`, `Obj`, `UserSettings`, `Temp`.It also excludes all `.gitignore`, `.csproj`, `.sln`, and `.zip` files at the top level of the project.Exclusions can be changed in Project Settings.Also available on GitHub: https://github.com/JonathanTremblay/UnityExportToZip