Snow by Bleeek is a 10-track (loopable) winter-themed 'album'.
The feeling of the tracks range from cozy winters all the way to epic boss fights in a blizzard.Snow by Bleeek is a music pack that contains 10 ice-cold tracks, each designed specifically for ice biomes, snowy lands, Christmas games, etc.#1 The North Pole - A classic Christmas-by-the-fireplace sounding track.#2 Snow Covered Piano - A cold piano, violin, and bass piece.#3 Are You Sure About This - A creepily cool track.#4 Among The Frost Giants - A badass ice boss theme.#5 Lost Keys - A sparse piano piece.#6 Frostbite - Another sick boss theme.#7 Sombre - A melancholic piano and violin duet.#8 Trapt - A freezingly fresh beat.#9 Coma - A slow melodic track.#10 Tobogganing - My personal favourite.All files are .wavAll tracks are loopable.