This is the Real Dragon asset you are waiting for!!! You can't find elsewhere the super dragon asset like this. Dont miss it!Bigger Size, Many animations and smooth animation!You may surprise about the price is higher than most of my other assets. But The price is fair. Not just because it's a unique asset. The size of the dragon is a lot bigger than all my assets. The dragon has been built very carefully so I made a lot of animations to make it more useful. It also has a bigger number of frames to make the animation look smooth.Ground & Flying AnimationsThis dragon have 2 set of animations which are ground and flying. It also has the lift and landing animation to change the state of dragon.Pack Features13 animations with 105 unique frames.8 hand-crafted color schemes.Character size is very big. It could be 128-160 pixel.All separate sprites png files and sheet files so it is very easy to import to any engine.