This is a dynamic chess game made for Virtual Reality. The pieces are Quads with /particle/vertexLit Blended materials, which are very efficient for VR applications. All the pieces face the camera and are interactable so it gives a short of 3D realism.
Two sets of pieces are presented (white, which are the player’s interactable and black, which are static). A loading bar appears when selecting/moving the pieces and the ground changes of color (yellow for selectable and green for possible movements). Natural movement of pieces has been implemented as well as forbidden (collision) movements. Please check our videos for more information.
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This package contains the following:
-The necessary FBX, textures, models, scripts shown in the video.
-Scripts manage the interaction with the pieces and scripts that manage the moment of the pieces in the board.
-Two different scenes: one with a complete chessboard and another with one short of each piece in order to easily test the natural movement of pieces.
-Complete documentation/video tutorial to understand the principles of each package and full email support at:
This package needs the following
Unity googleVR SDK 2018