Detailed model of a flowering tree - white magnolia.3 easy steps to migrate asset “Magnolia” from URP to Built-infor all materials change the shader type to Standardfor material "bench" set Smoothness to 0.3for material "flowersAndLeaves" set Rendering Mode to Cutout and Emission about 0.3Instruction with pictures ^^Luxury white magnolia fits perfectly into the urban landscape, park or garden.Flowering tree will be a bright and original decoration for any spring holiday. And add blossoming atmosphere to your project, game or metaverse-world)Thanks for watching^.^Have questions about the model?Mail me: tochechkavhoda@gmail.comAsset contains:model of white magnolia (89k faces / 133k triangles, export from fbx)7 detailed texture maps (2048*2048px) and 4 textures (1024*1024px)9 materialsprefab of white magnoliademo sceneIf you can use Render Face "Both" - do this. After that you can delete object flowersOtherSide. This will almost halve the number of polygons no loss for the model's appearance.