VoxelTown is an innovative Voxel Engine for Unity that aims to provide everything you could need from voxels in one place!
It's highly performant making heavy use of both the GPU and Burst Compiler.Read the documentation provided after importing asset packageThere are Unity Packages required to compile VoxelTownWhat is VoxelTown?VoxelTown is a powerful and innovative Voxel Engine unlike other Voxel Engines, it doesn't store Individual Voxels. Think vector art, storing shapes, lines, and boundaries instead of pixels... VoxelTown stores brushes! What is a Brush you ask? In VoxelTown a Brush is a shape, a line, or a boundary. What does this mean? This means the total memory usage of VoxelTown is significantly lower! Implementing features (e.g. multiplayer) becomes significantly easier as well, now all you have to do is sync the Brushes, not the voxels!Documentation | Discord | WebsiteGeneralAsynchronous Voxel EditingHighly threaded and optimizedLockless ThreadingMinimal GC AllocationsOptimized Memory ConsumptionOften less than 100MB of ram usageSmart and Efficient PoolingCustomizable Voxel sizePowerful Save & Load SystemSupports saving to JSON or BinaryChunk ManagementCompletely Asynchronous!Infinite Worlds with a Highly Customizable LOD SystemNo GameObjects spawned for Chunks except for CollisionsBurst Chunk GeneratorGPU Chunk GeneratorCustomizable Chunk sizeGenerationGenerate Any kind of world from Planets to Floating Islands, anything is possible!Includes a Simple Voxel Planet Example3D Node-based World GenerationUse Pre-existing HeightmapsImport meshes as VoxelsImport Unity Terrains (via Heightmaps)SDF Textures as BrushesExamples and Learning ResourcesHeavily Commented CodeExtensive DocumentationFull Source Code availableMany example scenes to learn fromVideo & Written Tutorials are in developmentNOTE: Im currently not actively maintaining the asset, I am still providing active support in the discord server, But I've been moving away from Unity so development has slowed significantly.NOTE: Only Windows is tested and confirmed to be working, Other platforms especially mobile may not work!NOTE: Marching Cubes - Was in v1.0, but temporarily removed in v1.1 It was a very basic and mostly pointless implementation anyway.Extensively uses both the GPU and Burst CompilerCan bulk edit billions of voxels at a time using Brushes