This package contains a collection of 13 Magic Aura VFX Effects.Magic Aura VFX PackThis package contains a collection of 13 Magic Aura VFX Effects (5 Aura Effects and each effect has its own separate Vfx Graph and the rest of the VFX Effects are the variation of these Aura Effects) which are created individually. The different meshes are used in VFX Effects using a shader graph and if you want to customize the mesh effect then you can modify the Shader Graph properties according to your taste. In this pack the dummy model is just used for VFX Effects representation. These VFX Effects are good to be used with character. These auras can be edit easily if you want to different color and style.Magic Aura VFX GraphsVfx Graph and Shader Graph from the package manager are required. To access more Features of Visual Effects Graph Go to Preferences> Visual Effects and enable Experimental Operators/Blocks. This package consists of 5 VFX Graphs and 1 Shader Graph.Magic Boost VFX Graph PropertiesRingColor- Controls the color of the inner ring. RingSpellColor- Controls the color of the outer magic spell.EnergyDuration- duration of character energy spell. GroundGlowDuration- duration in which ground glow. GroundTexture- Controls the texture of the inner ring. MeshSize- Size of ring mesh. MeshScale- Controls scale of ring mesh.2. Magic Effect VFX Graph PropertiesEffectColor- Controls the color of the magic effect. GroundCircleSize- Size of the Individual Ground Circle. Duration- duration of outerwave. GroundGlowTex- Controls the texture of Ground Effect. RingSize- Size of ring mesh. GroundRate- rate with which the circle will generate. 3. Magic Fire VFX Graph Properties FireColor- Controls the color of the fire. SizeOfInnerwave- Size of the innerwave. Duration- duration of innerwave. ScaleOfOuterRing- Controls the scale of outer ring. SpellForce- force in which spell will generate. Radius- Controls the radius of individual circle.4. Magic Healing VFX Graph PropertiesColor- Controls the color of the Healing spell. SpellSize- Size of the spell. SpellDuration- duration of spell.5. Magic Spell VFX Graph PropertiesColor2- Controls the color of the spell. SpellSpeeder- Speed of the spell with which the random circle spell will generate Duration- duration of magic circle. SphereTex- Controls the texture of ground glow. 6.Shader Graph Properties: Color_ -Controls the color of magic spell from shader side. Texture2D - Texture of magic spell inside shader. Texture Tile_ - Tiling texture of magic spell inside shader. Texture Speed_ - Controls the speed of Texture. Tex Rotation_ - Rotate the texture of mesh. Tex Unviel_ - Controls the variation of texture intensity. Texture Mask_ - Limit the area of an effect inside of mesh. Dissolve Noise_ - Enable/Disable the texture noise. Gradient Noise_ - Enable/Disable the gradient noise. Dissolve Speed_ - Dissolves the texture. Dissolve Scale_ - Controls scale of dissovle. Dissolve Speed_ - Speed with which the spell dissolves and fades.Technical : DetailsHow to use Drag and Drop your prefab into the scene.Select vfx graph.You can customize its properties that are visible.13 prefabs of Magic Aura VFX Effect and 1 prefab of model.In VFXEffects scene you will see all the visual effect of Magic Aura VFX Pack.It consist of 12 textures that are used in VFX Effects.It contains 5 meshes that are used in VFX Graphs.It contains the shader graph that is used in VFX Graphs.It consist of 5 VFX Graphs of Magic Aura Effects.It contain the model for VFX Effects representation. TEXTURES PNG SIZES : (2048 b/w 2048) FIRE FLAME : (2048x1024)