Make epic ocean simulations with breaking waves, advanced buoyancy, visual effects and procedural audio !Message from the developer : I won't guarantee support in the near future, when this happens I'll open source the package./!\Storm Breakers is now open sourced at https://github.com/Stormrider31/Storm-Breakers !The Asset Store package will soon be deprecated./!\Storm Breakers include all you need to make any ocean simulations :Realistic ocean with a unique wave model featuring breaking waves. Waves can be customized to be surfable, predictable and/or dangerous.All the physics with fast buoyancy, boat controller and sailing components.A complete visual effect stack with breaking waves, water splashes and propellers particles.A complete procedural audio stack with breaking waves, splashes and wind sounds, plus boat engine audio modulation.Check out the performance of the features with the demos by downloading at : https://the-storm-rider.itch.io/storm-breakers-demos(Storm Breakers does not contain the 3D model, engine audio clip and skybox texture of the demo, but provides the link to download these assets,most are free.)The package is not suitable for mobile, check the other limitations and all the features with the documentation.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A5XbOAvHWfiMiMZtGxcHmCtJ-5Q6_i2Q/view?usp=sharingOcean features :A unique wave model to render from glassy sea to stormy waters thanks to many innovations. Can make the wave predictable, dangerous and/or surfable for your gameplay.Breaking waves particles (sea foam burst, sea spray and floating sea foam) to render raging seas, running on the GPU with scientific computations.Shoreline effects with breaking wave, ground color scaterringFully procedural breaking wave noise with advanced spatialization to hear distant roar.Vortex physics of the breaking wave to make them dangerous.Realistic water shading with reflection (probe based) transparency and subsurface scattering effect.An underwater shading with its audio attenuation effect.Water surface textured by the sea foam particles falling down on it.Water and particles clipping to keep open boats exempt of water.Precise and performant water collision for optimized water interaction.Water interaction features :A versatile buoyancy physics implemented in a single component usable from large to small and fast watercraft; running with advanced simulation (water pressure based, wake wave force).Physically based particle system of the water interaction (sea foam burst, sea spray and floating sea foam) for satisfying experiences.Advanced procedural audio of the water interaction synchronized to the visual and physics to make a fully immersive watercraft simulation.A simple to use foil component working both in the water and in the air to simulate keels, rudders, fins and even sail.Include simplified water interaction (sphere, static buoyancy)Extra documentation to help you adjust physical behaviors to any gameplay.Wind features :Procedural wind audio that includes the camera velocity.Physics force of the wind onto objects.Water surface roughness affected by the wind.Gameplay features :A boat controller with an automatic pilot, generates particles (Sea foam burst, swirls, sea foam floats) and modulates an engine audio source.A universal orbital camera setup that works both for first and third person view. Include underwater and inside attenuation audio effects.A procedural skybox including cubemap texturing, fog and sun.Editor features :A hull generator to procedurally build your watercraft simulated mesh. Tweak its behavior with the hull shape and optimize the performance with the number of triangles.User-friendly components inspector with many sliders, scalable properties and extended tooltip.Open and well commented files with extended documentation to help you understand the package and customize it to your project needs. Shader and particle systems are graph coded for easy modification.