Cobra Observables brings the power of observable types to Unity, allowing you to set up subscribers that get notified whenever a value changes.Cobra Observables provides tools for creating observable and thread-safe variables, collections, and dictionaries in Unity.Make sure to install Cobra Logging before importing this package.What Are Observables?Observables are variables that you can subscribe to, receiving notifications whenever their values change. They enable real-time updates and interactions, improving your application's responsiveness and efficiency.Key Features:Thread-Safe Operations: All observable data structures are designed for thread safety, ensuring consistent performance in multi-threaded environments.Real-Time Notifications: Built-in mechanisms for notifying subscribers of changes instantly.Extensive Testing: Over 140 tests to ensure reliability and ease of customization.Observable Data Structures:Observed: Single observable value (thread-safe available).ObservedCollection: Observable list (thread-safe available).ObservedDictionary: Observable dictionary.ObservedTextFile: Monitors changes in text files.ObservedStack: Observable stack.ObservedSortedSet: Observable sorted set.ObservedSortedList: Observable sorted list.ObservedSortedDictionary: Observable sorted dictionary.ObservedSet: Observable set.ObservedQueue: Observable queue.ObservedLinkedList: Observable linked list.ObservedHashSet: Observable hash set.ObservedBitArray: Observable binary array.ObservedBinaryFile: Monitors changes in binary files.