100 Original 8-Bit Style Music Compositions Including 80 Loopable Pieces, 10 Game Overs And 10 Level CompletesWith this music toolkit you will get 80 tracks that seemlessly loop with most pieces around 2 minutes in length. I have also made 10 game over and 10 level complete 'stings' that can easily be placed at the appropriate times. I have loved making these pieces and I hope you enjoy the hours of music I have made for you and your games.The late 80's and early 90's had a slew of amazing games on the 8-bit consoles, and this toolkit faithfully recreates the classic sound tracks of that era. Featuring all the pieces you need for many full games, you'll inspire gamers to come back time and time again to play those devious levels you created whilst having a blast along the way.If you would like to see how I make tracks like these, I have just started a new Youtube channel showing how I do these: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJn8jEQQsoKHmVba-ZFuH1Q/videosThank you for listening and I look forward to seeing what you create!100 pieces of music in .wav format