MFPC - Multi-Input First Person Controller includes an easy-to-use and flexible first-person character control system that supports all input types.⭕ Might require reimporting and conversion of materials if imported on a render pipeline other than the built-in one ⭕[Manual&Documentation|RoadMap|Discord]➡Try the Demo Here⬅• WebGL• APK✔️Features• Input: Mobile, Keyboard&Mouse, Gamepad• Input System: Old Input System, New Input System• Player Stats: Health, Stamina• Player System• Settings System• Footstep system• Ladder system• Modular• Build Characters in Seconds• Easy To Improve• Flexible To Use❗ Gamepad input works only on the new input system ❗✔️Inbox• Dynamic input change: Mobile, Keyboard&Mouse, Gamepad input• The ability to simply change the input system (Old, New)• Move inertia• Increased FOV when running• Movement states• Movement animations• Smooth camera rotation• Air control• Settings• Save settings• Sounds of footsteps on different surfaces• Change the height of the character• Damage visualization• Player movement parameters in ScriptableObject• Heal visualization• Character Controller teleport• Possibility of interaction of the character with physical objects• Die✔️Settings Options• Sensivity• Camera Speed Smooth X• Camera Speed Smooth Y• Input TypeMobile:• Is Fixed Joystick• Is Fading Joystick• Joystick Type• Customize Mobile UI (Move buttons)✔️Movement States• Walk• Run• Jump• Sit (Crouch)• Climb (Ladder)• Lean✔️Integrations✔️Direction Indicator 3D/2D