Aim indicators can enhance you game by visualizing where your attacks and skills will interact with obstacles. Its optimized for mobile, easy to use, customize and expand upon.Aim Indicators are the perfect solution for visualizing your attacks/skills/abilities.Procedurally creates the shapes when games starts and then uses shaders to visualize the hit points without rebuildng the mesh.Comes with 4 types of indicators that have plenty of configurations and detailed documentation.FeaturesCone: Configurable cone ranging from 0-360 degrees, meaning it can also create circles. Great for visualizing shotgun blasts or ability zones.Line: Configurable line that doesnt stretch the end of the texture. Great for visualizing projectile paths.Parabolic: Configurable parabola with predicted landing spot. Great for visualizing arrow or throwable paths.Target: is just a quad but is mainly meant to be used as the landing spot for the parabola indicator. Has a radial fill effect instead of vertical.Procedurally creates mesh shapes for the indicators when game starts.Custom shaders are used for updating the mesh appearance on the GPU instead of rebuilding the mesh (which is done on the CPU), making it really fast and avoids massive garbage collection.Combine multiple indicators to get a unique look, very simple to do and no extra logic needed.MATERIAL RENDER SETTINGS can very easily be changed via enums to customize how you want them to render and solve overlapping material issues.Includes 42 different textures that can be used for the indicators as well as the PSD files so you can easily create your own.Demo scene that can be used to test out pre made indicators and create your own.Controls are setup with the new input system and ready to be used for controllers, pc and mobile.Supports 2D and 3D projects, no examples included but you can simply rotate it or change the y and z axis in the C# classes.Fill effects can be used for all indicators and they all have examples included.Material property blocks are used to animate the materials so you can use the included materials on every single indicator you create (unless you want specified render settings on the materials).Pipelines: URP, Built-in, HDRPKeep in mind:Does not come with decal support, meaning it cant deform to fit the environment.Can still be rendered on top of other items by using the same material as the demo scene boxes and changing the "layer" from "Obstacle" to something else.The FOV cannot be changed during play mode for performance reasons, I know the video can give the impression that it works but the purpose was to show that the cone indicator can support ranges from 0-360 degrees. Im sorry for any inconvenience this might cause.