This asset quickly and efficiently blurs the background behind the UI on mobile devices.📌 Highlighting important interface elements is one of the main tools for improving user perception. Switching attention can be done in different ways from the smooth escape of the buttons over the edges of the screen to darkening the background. On the one hand, it reduces the contrast of background elements, and it becomes harder for the eye to catch on to it. On the other hand, blurring has a subconscious effect when the image becomes out of focus and we perceive it differently.📌 The asset was developed for mobile devices, so special attention was paid to the absence of performance problems. Despite this, the blur turns out to be of high quality and its adjustment is designed to establish a balance between the quality of the blur and high performance.Features:Easy to use;Customizable;Fast algorithm;Masking support;Blur control from scripts;A ready-made set of 12 masks.✅ There is support for blurring any UI (including TextMeshPro) using Screen Space - Camera or World Space for canvas.✅ SpriteRenderer blur is supported.📄 Documentation.pdf🎮 WebGL🎮 DemoApp.apk🎮 DemoApp.exeSupported platforms: Android/IOS/PCNumber of VFXs: 1Custom shaders: 1Documentation: Included