LOWPOLY ASSETSIn this asset you will find two cars fully prepared for any game and for any platform.The cars are divided into several objects and with the pivot placed on each one correctly so that it can be easily animated. In addition, this asset comes with two particle systems on each wheel.Also, the wheels are separated between the tire and the rim for more detail in the animation.Note: the script "WheelController" you will find it in the demo scene as a demonstration of what can be achieved whit the car.Adden in 2.0 version a building with interiors fully prepared for any game and for any platform.The building is prepared to be able to enter all the rooms. It has a hall, a janitor's room, stair section, sixc apartments with bathrooms.All the doors and certain assets have the pivot correctly located to be able to be easily animated.In this assets you will find...- Demo scene included- Includes Collision- Some assets such as cleaning items, signs and bottles have tags with images invented from scratch- Wheather particle system (snow, blizzard, soft rain, strong rain)Two cars with- Exterior and interior- 4 Wheels with separete wheel and tire and the correct pivot to rotate them- Two doors with the correct pivot to open them- Two side mirrors- Hood and truck with correct pivot to open them- Engine inside the hood- Front and back lights- Particle system on each wheel- Front, back and side windows- Separete materials for the car, interiors, engine, front lights, back ligths, mirrors, tires and windows- One material and texture for dust particle system- One material and texture for stone particle system- All materials have one texture with diferent colors- Aerosol can x8 colors (903 faces)With lid and button separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Axe (768 faces)With separate cutting edge and handle- Bathtub (2485 faces)With two doors separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Bed 01 (1538 faces)With separeted pillow, mattress and sheet- Bed 02 (1332 faces)With separeted mattress and sheet- Bedside table 01 (1158)With drawers separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Beer 01 (3360 faces)With the lid separated and pivoted correctly to animate- beer 02(2064 faces)- Bleach bottle (3766 faces)With the lid separated and pivoted correctly to animate- Book x10 (470 faces)- Bucket 01 (2468 faces)- Bucket 02 (5240 faces)With 4 wheels with the correct pivot to rotate them- Building 01 (13983 faces)- Burger (1040 faces)- Cabinet 01 (1113 faces)With two doors and drawers separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- cabinet 02 (994 faces)- Cabinet 03 (2284 faces)With four doors separated and pivoted correctly to animate- Cabinet 04 (4872 faces)With one door and drawers separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Cabinet 05 (1782 faces)With two doors and drawers separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Cabinet 06 (1198)With two doors and drawers separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Cake (3778 faces)- Canned food x2 (921 faces)- Cleaner 01 (2464 faces)With the lid separated and pivoted correctly to animate- Cleaner 02 (2690 faces)With the lid separated and pivoted correctly to animate- Cleaner 03 (3814 faces)With the lid and trigger separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Coffee 01 (1664 faces)With lid and sleeve separated and pivoted correctly to animate- Coffee 02 (1464 faces)With lid separated and pivoted correctly to animate- Coffee table (652 faces)- Cooking pot x3 (1838)With lid separated and pivoted correctly to animate- Couch 01 (1220 faces)With six separate cushions- Couch 02 (766 faces)With three separate cushions- Curtains 01-03 (1416 faces)- Curtains 02-04 (984 faces)- Donut box 01 (39228 faces)With 6 separeted and diferents donuts- Donut box 02 (252 faces)- Door 01 (1012 faces)With Handles pivoted correctly to animate them- Fork (197 faces)- Fridge 01 (11537 faces)With four shelfs, one drawer and one door separated and pivoted correctly to animate- Frying pan x2 (1012 faces)- Garbage x3 (876 faces)- Garbage stick 01 (530 faces)- Garbage stick 02 (747 faces)- Gel alcohol (2988 faces)With two lids separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Glass 01 (464 faces)- Glass 02 (192 faces)- Glass 03 (176 faces)- Hammer 01 (2968 faces)With separeted metal and wood parts- Hammer 02 (1320 faces)With separeted metal and wood parts- Handsaw (4520 faces)With separate cutting edge and handle- Kettle (2291 faces)With lid pivoted correctly to animate- Knife 01 (365 faces)With separate cutting edge and handle- Knife 02 (860 faces)With separate cutting edge and handle- Ladder (22368 faces)- Light 01 (828 faces)- Light switch (270 faces)- Loker (1496 faces)With door separated and pivoted correctly to animate- Mirror 01 (70 faces)- Mug (540 faces)- Nut x2 (96 faces)- Oven (6088 faces)With door, grills and knobs separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Paint bucket x15 (2656 faces)With the lid separated and pivoted correctly to animate- Paint roller x2 (1800 faces)With separeted handle- Paint roller bucket (938 faces)- Pants 01-03-04 (2560)With hanger- Pants 02-05-06 (4160 faces)With hanger- Pillow x3 (7686 faces)- Pizza box (5436 faces)With 6 pizza slices- Plate 01 (192 faces)- Plate 02 (320 faces)- Plunger 01 (576 faces)- Rake (471 faces)- Screwdriver (887 faces)- Shelf x2 (7310 faces)With separeted base and screws- Shovel (1548 faces)- Shower set (3563 faces)With two handles separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Sink 01 (1758 faces)With two doors and water tap handle separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Sink 02 (2633 faces)With two doors and water tap handle separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Spanner x2 (760 faces)- Spanner 03 (704 faces)- Spoon 01 (313 faces)- Tape x2 (686 faces)- Toilet (1498 faces)With button and two seats separated and pivoted correctly to animate them- Toilet paper 01 (410 faces)- Tool box (1787 faces)With the lid separated and pivoted correctly to animate- TV (1065 faces)With power button separated and pivoted correctly to animate- Water bottle (2528 faces)- Wine bottle 01 (2312 faces)- Wive bottle 02 (1964)New assets from version 2.1- Bulding 02 (52327 faces)- Shelf 03 (3870 faces)- Cabinet 07 (6405 faces)- Light 02 (1176 faces)- Light 03 (769 faces)- Coffee table 02 (1296 faces)- Couch 03 (3252 faces)- Kitchen counter 01 (14207 faces)- Fridge 02 (4863 faces)- TV 02 (486 faces)- Shower 02 (6966 faces)- Mirror 02 (322 faces)- Sink 03 (4913 faces)- Toilet 02 (3659 faces)- Desk 01 (3084 faces)- Chair 01 (2040 faces)- Notebook 01 (1602 faces)- Stool 01 (2352 faces)- Door 02 (954 faces)- Grass 01 (360 faces)- Grass 02 (360 faces)- Sidewalk 01 (146 faces)- Flowerbed 01 (792 faces)- Tree 01 (17656 faces)- Mattress 01 (54 faces)