This pack contains 6 animated FPS weapons (including mobile) + simple demo.Note:This package uses URP as a default renering pipeline. To install HDRP materials and additionnal demo scene, select '(HDRP) Installer' package file that you will find in the main folder and import all files.You can also choose from two types of arms/hands and some additional (alternative) textures for them.Included in the package:• Weapons:- Automatic Carbine 5 (AK5)- Magnum- Personal Defense Weapon (P90)- Pump Action Shotgun (Mossberg)- Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle- Uzi Submachine Gun• Demo scenes• Textures size up to 4096x4096• Sound effects such as: fire, reload, melee etc.Animations:- Select- Putaway- Idle- Inspect- Move- Run- Fire (Automatic Mode/Single Mode)- Reload- Empty Reload- Zoom Idle- Zoom Move- Zoom Fire (Automatic Mode/Single Mode)- Melee Attack- DryfireFile formats:FBX for modelsPNG for TexturesWAV for sound effectsPolygons info:- Automatic Carbine 5 - 11745 Polys- Automatic Carbine 5 Mobile - 6216 Polys- Magnum - 4014 Polys- Magnum Mobile - 2214 Polys- Personal Defense Weapon - 8743 Polys- Personal Defense Weapon Mobile - 4378 Polys- Pump Action Shotgun - 13853 Polys- Pump Action Shotgun Mobile - 4307 Polys- Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle - 12920 Polys- Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle Mobile - 6379 Polys- Uzi - 17769 Polys- Uzi Mobile - 7508- Hands/Arms Version 1 - 12744 Polys- Hands/Arms Version 1 Mobile - 2026 Polys- Hands/Arms Version 2 - 13522 Polys- Hands/Arms Version 2 Mobile - 2116 Polys