WebGL wrapper for Google Identity ServicesSK GSI for WebGL providers easy to use API for calling Google Identity Services methods.Display Google Sign In popup with few lines of code, or just render native HTML google button on demand!Components:SK_GooglePromptButton - Shows Google One tap window on clickSK_GoogleStickyButton - Render native HTML google buttonIncluded methods:SK_GoogleIdentityServices.Initialize - Initialize module with your Google ClientIdSK_GoogleIdentityServices.SignInWithPrompt - Show OneTap popupSK_GoogleIdentityServices.RenderStickyButton - Create HTML Google sign in buttonSK_GoogleIdentityServices.Revoke - Revoke user tokenSK_GoogleIdentityServices.Cancel - Cancel sign in procesAdditional features:JWT payload decoderGSI index.html processor for attaching all required code to you WebGL index.html fileBecase GSI javascript api is used, code will only work for WebGL application.