This 16x16 RPG asset pack contains 1070+ Sprites of which 510+ are Unique Designs. Perfect for any item-rich game that needs a big variety of items icons!This 16x16 RPG asset pack is perfect for any item-rich game that needs a big variety of icons. The Icons in this pack range from creative armor and weaponry to more miscellaneous items like: Trading cards, Rings, Fish, Alchemy items, Ores and much much more.The Icons come in both a big sheet all together as well as each icon in its own seperate file.Here is an overview of the sprites you can expect to find in the pack:Weapons:- Swords- Daggers- Shields- Boomerangs- Bows- Flails- Clubs- Crossbows- Throwing knives- Spears- Battleaxes- Slingshots- Misc weaponsMagic:- Staves- Wands- Books- Potions- Reagents- Scrolls- Gemstones/CrystalsJewelry:- Rings- Necklaces- Gold- Chests- GemsTools:- Shovels- Pickaxes- Axes- Ploughs- ScythesFarming:- Vegetables/Fruit- Seeds/Saplings- Containers- Animal productsFishing:- Fishing Poles- Hooks- Many fish types- BaitMisc:- Ores/Bars- Wood/Twigs/Clay/Stone- Arrows- Cards- Meat- Bags- Monster dropsAnd much, much more!