Introducing a Game UI Kit In Cartoon Style for 2D games that includes pre-designed elements easily customizable in color, text, and size. Perfect for a polished and professional-looking game interfaceGame UI Kit In Cartoon Style provides a vast array of pre-made components for making 2D games. It has many different buttons, icons, menus, and other graphical elements that are easily adaptable to the unique requirements of your game. Without having to start from scratch, you can quickly and easily construct the user interface for your game using this GUI package.Files Included:AI and EPS files are included.Assets files exported in PNG.Available file format: AI, EPS, separated Transparent PNG.Font Used – Jungle AdventureYou can easily customize the shapes.All Files are grouped and well organised.30 iconic buttons with three views : Normal, Tap/Click, Disabled15 Standard buttons with three view : Normal, Tap/Click, DisabledButtons with editable text effect and you can edit the text too. Font file not included6 Ready PopupsWhether you’re a game developer, designer, or artist, Game UI Kit In Cartoon Style is a great resource to have in your toolkit. So why wait? Download it today and start creating beautiful, soft-style games that your users will love!Follow Us for Updates & NewsLinkedin | Behance | WebsiteCheck Out Our Other AssetsGame UI Kit In Cartoon Style