It is an art set of Weather Icons.
All images are in PNG format.It is an art set of Weather Icons.All images are in PNG format.about 752 x 749 px12 Weather x 6 Color・Design = 72 png*PurpleVersion ← New!! (Version2 Update)*We plan to update this asset significantly in the future.Prices may increase at that time.It's better to buy now.・Drought・Sunny・PartlyCloudy・Cloudy・LightRain・HeavyRain・Thunder・Storm・Snow・Blizzard・PartlyCloudyNight ← Version2 Update・ClearNight ← Version2 Update・WhiteSilhouette ← New!! (Version3 Update)■■■ In addition, the following assets also have strong synergies. ■■■■ Cardhttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/gui/card-292164■ CardFrame_Fantasyhttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/cardframe-fantasy-258817■ GUISet_Brownhttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/gui/guiset-brown-291599