Create 2D Gradient in two clicks. Dynamically change gradient colours independently to achieve best visuals (Day/Night cycle for example).
Use one of 35 gradient presets or create your own.You receive:— Gradient Shader— Editor Tool for creating Sprites and UI Images with gradient materials— Dusk, Day, Night demo environments— 35 Gradient presets— Ground texture for SpriteShapeGradient Shader:— Supports up to 3 colors— Smooth transparency instead of any color— Linear and radial types— Applying gradient on any sprite— Rotating gradient without rotating object— Moving gradient center pointWith Editor Tool:You can create 2D Sprites with gradient types:– Square with linear gradient– Circle with radial gradient– Square with faded linear gradient– Circle with faded radial gradientYou can create UI Images with gradient types:– Square with linear gradient– Circle with radial gradient– Square with faded linear gradient– Circle with faded radial gradientYou can select any existing material with gradient shader in Assets. Then create object using tool. It will create new material in Assets with colors from selecter material. If material with same colors and parameters already created in assets, it will get existing material.It means you can easily use presets from package or you can create your own gradient presets.