Quick Templates creates context menus for your most used prefabs, organizes them in a searchable template manager window, and protects your prefabs from being deleted if they are used in templates.Quick Templates is an editor plugin that facilitates working with prefabs. This plugin creates context menus for your most used prefabs, organizes them in a searchable template manager window, and protects your prefabs from being deleted if they are used in templates.With Quick Templates, you can speed up your workflow not having to search through thousands of prefabs. Instead, you can quickly create prefab menus with no unity editor code. Just right-click a prefab, a game object on a scene, or any prefab asset on the project view, select Quick Templates and click Create Template. Then adjust your settings, wait for script compilation, and... that's it! Now when you right-click your hierarchy view, there will be a templates option with all of your templates there! Clicking the template menu will create an instance of the current template prefab and it will set it up according to what you prepared for that template.Templates created through Quick Templates are automatically placed under what you right-clicked on the hierarchy. This ensures that you'll get the Unity workflow that you are accustomed to.Create prefab instantiation menus from game objects or prefabs anywhere instantly.Protect valuable prefabs from deletion if they are in use by your workflow.Build applications faster by defining what prefabs are components you want to use regularly. This also ensures UX standards are met easier.