Sci-fi assets for decorating your environment.3 different rectangular boxes1 square crystal box with two sets of materials to choose from.1 drone (no animation)1 stool1 bonfire with crystal fuel (can change emission light color)1 fence (can duplicate and organize in any way you want)1 carrot device (4 animation: claw grab, fan rotate, shake, and explosion)1 battery (3 animation: door close, door open, and energy charge)2 custom shaders for changing battery lighting modes.Assets bonfire, bonfire fuel, case, fence and stool share same set camp assets material.Box A(Blue):Polycount: 1330 TrianglesPNG Texture size: 1024 x 1024(Albedo, AO, Normal, Specular and Emission)Box B(White):Polycount: 1330 TrianglesPNG Texture size: 1024 x 1024(Albedo, AO, Normal, Specular and Emission)Case:Polycount: 1160 TrianglesPNG Texture size: 2048 x 2048(Albedo, AO, Normal, Specular and Emission)Crystal Box:Polycount: 876 TrianglesPNG Texture sets:A (Yellow) size: 1024 x 1024B (White) size: 1024 x 1024(Albedo, AO, Normal, and Specular)Drone:Polycount: 3728 TrianglesPNG Texture size: 2048 x 2048(Albedo, AO, Normal, Specular and Emission)Stool/Chair:Polycount: 528 TrianglesPNG Texture size: 2048 x 2048(Albedo, AO, Normal, Specular and Emission)Bonfire:Polycount: 912 TrianglesPNG Texture size: 2048 x 2048(Albedo, AO, Normal, Specular and Emission)Bonfire Fuel:Polycount: 260 TrianglesPNG Texture size: 2048 x 2048(Albedo, AO, Normal, Specular and Emission)Fence/Defense:Polycount: 304 TrianglesPNG Texture size: 2048 x 2048(Albedo, AO, Normal, Specular and Emission)Carrot Device:Polycount: 3434 TrianglesPNG Texture size: 1024 x 1024(Albedo, AO, Normal, Specular and Emission)Battery:Polycount: 4406 TrianglesPNG Texture size:Battery Shell Set: 1024 x 1024(Albedo, AO, Normal, Emission, and Specular)Battery Shell Gate Set : 1024 x 1024(Albedo, AO, Normal, Emission (Blue and red designs), Color Mask, and Specular)Custom Battery Shell Gate Shader for changing different light brightness, flow speed and breathing speed.Battery Holder Set: 512x 512(Albedo, AO, and Specular)Battery Core Set: 1024 x 1024(Albedo, AO, Normal, Emission, and Specular)Custom Battery Core Shader for changing power up color and brightness.