This bundle offers AAA quality editor tools for your unity project, with a big discount. as I realise new assets, i will add on to this bundle and increase the price, so grab it while it is cheap!this package is just allowing me to put an upgrade path to the assets incuded in the bundle, there is nothing here concerning the RP.--- discord --- alekgameshelp2@gmail.com ---By buying this you SAVE 25$ (And what all the future editor tools from Alek Games cost!)this package will allow you to get the following assets for free:- Placer 2 - ultimate level desighn solution: https://u3d.as/2WL5- Terrain Editing Tools: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/246703- all Auto Mesh assets (there is currently one (Auto Mesh - Affectors)): https://u3d.as/2Uy5NOTE- this package does not contain mensioned assets (in the package folders) but you can get them for free after buying it.oh, and one more thing, after buying this asset, you instantly become cool(er).