8-bit Music Pack Vol. 1 by Ian YonderThis is a 8-bit inspired music pack which (currently) contains 4 music tracks for your 8-bit or pixel art games.For every single track, I take my time to think, feel and work to be your best option, to take you to the good old days with the saying "New Music with Old Feel !"For your ease, tracks with intros have an extra version without intros for better looping.Tracks mostly have at least 2 melodic parts.All tracks loop seamlessly.The package will be upgraded occassionally. All the updates for this pack will be free in the future. (up to 20 tracks maximum).Track List :1-Commandos on a Rampage - ( Action - Shooter )2-Blue Sky's Calling ( Action - Shooter )3-Bring It On ! ( Action - Beat Em Up )4-We Came to Play ( Theme/Title Screen Music )Tracks were originally made by me in a Daw with special 8 bit vsts.