Squad Dynamic Cover System template allows for real time cover detection and grouping to quickly create cover based real time strategy games. No need to set up nodes, just design!🔥 The only RTS cover finding system on the Unity Asset Store 🔥- Quick and easy setup : The Squad Dynamic Cover System allows for you to quickly prototype and build any RTS games which require units to be in cover. Designed to emulate games like Men of war, Call to Arms and Company of Heros.- Designed with level iteration in mind : The Dynamic Cover System allows for quick level development without the need to place cover nodes for units. You can place down a new peice of cover, bake the nav mesh, and it will just work.- No limits : Easy to use system means you can have small squads all the way to full armys under your control.- Configure to your liking : Easily configure how you want your units to workDistance from cover to standDistance to space from other units in the selectionCover snap on how close to potential cover your mouse needs to beCover object accuracyAngle difference between units to configure how similar cover needs to be to the main unitMax distance from other units to limit your units from spreading too far or too thinUpdate cover time to decide how often you should recheck for new cover*NEW* units positioned on high cover can now have their back to it *NEW* cover can now have configurable classifications based on its hieght to emulate a more x-com-esque gameUsing the built in unit nav mesh system we can find cover, determine how to look over the cover and correctly space our units. The systems has multiple configuration options like unit spacing, accuracy of cover and will allow for units to find similar cover to one another at set distances.Along with this is a basic Unit AI which will move to the designated cover point and look over the cover correctly. The basic unit is a template for you to build your own combat AI off of.