⭐Perfect for your enemy AI!⭐Requires Behavior DesignerRequires Movement PackRequires Ultimate Character Controller, UFPS, or Third Person Controller.The Deathmatch AI Kit includes a set of behavior tree tasks with one goal: eliminate all enemy targets. In order to accomplish this goal the agents will move in formations, take cover, determine the best weapon, and strategically attack the target. The Deathmatch AI Kit allows for team-based and free-for-all deathmatch games using the power of Behavior Designer and the Ultimate Character Controller.Demo | Documentation | Videos | Forum | DiscordAI agents can handle advanced situations such as:• Strategically attack the enemy• Take cover and attack the enemy• Work as a team to eliminate the enemy• Create formations with other agents• Respond to teammate backup requests• Determine the best weapon• Throw and evade grenades• Use shootable or melee weapons• Search for enemies, ammo, and health• See and hear enemies• Attack explosives near enemiesAI agents can be customized to your game by adjusting the task parameters and rearranging the tasks within the behaviour tree.