MultiFPS - designed for creating multiplayer FPP Shooters.
Includes all the necessary features that a multiplayer shooter needs. It has synchronized FPS gameplay, various weapons, bots, and much more.More info about MultiFPS • DiscordTemplate's core systems• Movement and Combat System• Gamemodes• Bots• Spectator modeCombat• Players can spawn with selected weapons. They can swap them with other ones found on the ground.• You can adjust or disable melee attacks for each weapon• The crosshair represents weapon recoil, which depends on fire time and player movement.• Players and bots can shoot through walls that users set to be penetrable. They can also shoot through other players.GamemodesMultiFPS comes with 4 gamemodes• Deathmatch• TeamDeathmatch• TeamEliminations - players respawn only at the start of a round. This is instead of respawning several seconds after death. The team that eliminates the enemy team wins.• Defuse - Same as above but adding a bomb that team red can plant, and team blue can defuseBotsHost can make the game spawn bots in place of empty slots. They will join different teams and navigate around the map to take down players/bots from the enemy team. They can spawn with random weapons. They can use every weapon a regular player can. They can change their currently used weapon if they are low on ammo. They can use melee attacks if an enemy is close. When real player connects during the game, one of the spawned bots will "disconnect" to make room for the connected player.SpectatingMultiFPS features two game modes. Players are based on rounds instead of respawning several seconds after death. These game modes are TeamEliminations and Defuse. If a player dies during a round, and the round is not over yet, they can spectate their teammates from a first-person perspective. If one of those teammates happens to be a bot, they can take control over the bot.RagdollRagdolls are synchronized across all clients. Everyone will see exactly the same pose on a dead body. Ragdoll behavior on death will depend on the type of weapon used to kill and on the movement of the victim.ScoreboardScoreboard shows other players, their stats and latencyDetailed KillfeedThe killfeed shows who killed who and with which weapon. It also features special icons if a player was killed by a headshot, shot through a wall, or died from fall damage.Template contents• FPS Controller• Items1. Knife2. Pistol3. Rifle4. Shotgun5. SniperRifle6. Grenade7. Bomb8. Rocket Launcher• Gamemodes1. Deathmatch2. TeamDeathmatch3. TeamEliminations4. Defuse• 4 Maps• Pause menu with options for audio volume and mouse sensitivity• Chat that distinguishes teams• Player HUD• Player HUD specific for game modes• Killfeed• Several skins for for player model and various itemsBonusServerList - REST API that will serve server list and boot MultiFPS when a player creates a lobby from the game clientMultiFPS is ready to be deployed on dedicated server, and fully works with WebGL.To add/modify features, basic knowledge of C# is required.If you have any questions feel free to get in touchMore info about MultiFPS • Discord-There is one player prefab that gets loaded skins, not separate prefab for each skin. AI also uses same player prefab as normal players-Character model uses custom rig that does not match humanoid skeletonMultiFPS supports both new and old input systemFor networking MultiFPS uses Mirror, open-source networking solution for Unity games. It is client-server architecture.-----------------------------------------------This asset uses Orbitron font under SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.-----------------------------------------------This asset uses free open-source Mirror networking solution.