This pack of HDRP stylized Flipbook VFX is fully and easily customizable for your project needs!Compatible with HDRP.This pack of stylized Flipbook VFX is fully and easily customizable for your project needs.This Flipbook VFX pack also comes with SFX! Use the sounds as you wish.Containing over 70 VFX! (including variants)List of VFXs included:Blood CloudBlood DropsBlood ExplosionBlood ImpactBlood OrbBlood ProjectileBlood SplatsChargeDirectional DustOmnidirectional DustDust PuffsExplosionsMagical ExplosionsFire ExplosionsPoison ExplosionsFire BurstFire ChargeFire SmokeFire LoopFlame BurstImpactsBlood ImpactsMagic Impacts10 Lightning variationsMuzzle FlashesMuzzle SmokePoison BurstPoison LoopPoison ProjectilePoison Puffs6 Shrapnel variationsSlashesSlash PoisonSlash FireSmoke LoopSparklesToxic OrbWater DropsWater Ground SplashesWater Main SplashesWater OrbWater Splash VariantsTexture sizes:2048x2048Number of VFXs:20 Flipbooks137 Materials135 TexturesCustom shaders:Includes custom flipbook shadersEasily recolor the elements to fit the needs of your projectAll VFX (Visual Effects) contain SFX (Sound Effects) too!Disclaimer: The pack works in a 2D environment on a 3D render pipeline, but NOT with the 2D render pipeline features, neither for SRP, URP, or HDRP. That means the 2D Core, 2D Mobile, 2D (URP) templates and such won't work. If your project is 3D render pipeline-based, but in a 2D setting, such as using an Orthographic Camera, it will work.