This is a Vista module allows you to use existing spline solutions to perform actions such as terrain conforming, make ramp, paint road & path, spawn/remove vegetation, etc.This module adding support for popular spline tool to perform action along the spline path.Currently the spline tools being supported are:Unity’s Splines package (com.unity.splines), free, requires Unity 2022.1+, installed via the Package Manager.Polaris Spline Tool: included in Polaris 2021. This tool itself only works for Polaris terrain, but with this module it also works with Unity terrain or any terrain system.Curvy Spline 8 from ToolBuddy.Dreamteck Spline from Dreamteck.Bezier Solution from Yasirkula. In this document we will refer to it as “Yasirkula Spline” to be more specific than the common name “bezier spline”.Your own spline tool by implementing the ISplineEvaluator interface, or deriving from the SplineEvaluatorBase class. Please contact via Discord if you need help on this.Note: This module doesn’t provide a spline placement tool, you will need at least one of the tools above.The following nodes are added in this module:Spline Extract: Extract the spline information such as mask, region, height map, anchors and points along the path to do something. You will only use this node in special cases as there are other nodes for common jobs.Ramp: Conform the terrain height to the spline mesh, useful for mountain pass, matching the terrain height to the road mesh, etc. Note that this node doesn’t generate any road mesh.Path: Paint a path along the spline as a mask. The mask can be later used with a Weight Blend or Color Blend node for texturing.Thin Out Along: Remove vegetation instances along the spline, or the opposite, remove instances that are not on the spline.Requirements: Vista 2022.4.0+