Create a world of "Cute" with a collection of over 200 sound effects, meticulously crafted to inspire your game with fun and magic.Create a world of "Cute" with a collection of over 200 sound effects, meticulously crafted to inspire your game with fun and magic. Elevate your user interface with charming button clicks, delightful menu chimes, and cheerful notification melodies. Breathe life into your game world with interactive sounds that bring objects and characters to life. Imagine the satisfying "clink" of coins being collected, the playful "boing" of a bouncing ball, or the triumphant fanfare of a spinning wheel landing on a prize. From button taps to magical spells, each sound effect is designed to melt hearts and leave players grinning from ear to ear. So, ditch the generic beeps and bops and get ready to inject your game with a dose of pure, unadulterated cuteness!🔈View Sound ListThis pack of royalty-free content includes;⦿ 3 x Stingers⦿ 208+ Sound EffectsCute UI & Interact Sound Effects Pack is mostly used in; Cartoon, Doodle, Minimalistic, Kids Games, Modern Pixel Art, Low Poly, Cutout Art, and Monochromatic genres.With a wide range of high-quality sounds to choose from, this pack is perfect for adding some whimsy and charm to your game.This sound effects and music pack includes;⦿Stingers⦿Boing-Bounce⦿Bubble⦿Cash Register⦿Chest Opening⦿Chimes⦿Collect⦿Confetti⦿Eat⦿Firework⦿Match⦿Movement⦿Pop⦿Power Up⦿Rattle⦿Spin Wheel⦿UI⦿Bonus⦿Success⦿Countdown.For more information about SwishSwoosh: Click HereAudio File Types: wav Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz Bit Depth: 16 bit Loopable: Yes/NoStereo/Mono