Hidden Peace is an environmental package suitable for large scenes and a variety of game styles.Package includes: 13 Cliffs, 5 Column Cliffs, 5 Spike Cliffs, 6 Trees, 5 Scattered Rocks, 2 Bushes and 4 Rock and 3 Moss surfaces.Rock and Moss surfaces have 4K textures. (see technical details below)All models have LODs with big models having up to 5.Polycounts are in the range of 150k-100k (triangles) for LOD_0 and go as low as 2k for last LOD.Cliffs and rocks use Cliff Shader made with Shader Graph, which allows you to put your own rock and ground textures.Models:13 Cliffs5 Column Cliffs5 Spike Cliffs6 Trees5 Scattered Rocks2 Bushes4 Rock Surfaces3 Moss SurfacesMesh:All Models have optimized LODs.Cliffs have up to 5 LODs with poly counts from around 150k down to 2k(triangles)Spike Cliffs have 4 LODs with poly counts from around 50k down to 1kColumn Cliffs have 4 LODs with poly counts from around 50k down to 2kRocks have 3 LODs and poly counts from 15k down to 1kTrees have 3 LODs and poly counts start at 20k-5k and go down to 10k-3kBushes have 3 LODs with poly counts from around 1k down to 100Textures:PBR texturesRock and Ground surface textures are at 4KModel texture dimensions are mostly 4K with smaller models having 2K or 1KTextures include:AlbedoNormal MapMask map (which includes)Ambient OcclusionMetalicSmoothnessHeight Map (for ground surfaces)Layer Map (All Cliffs and Rocks)Red (Paints Vertical Walls)Green (Paints Top Noise)Blue (Paints Top Noise 2)Ambient Occlusion (For entire model)Demo Scenes and their extra models are included.Demo Scenes rendered using HDRP.