Skyer Builder is a tool created to help you build your game or application in Unity to multiple platforms with only one click.What exactly does Skyer Builder do?The Skyer Builder creates a standard on top of the API provided by Unity to be easier to manipulate than the original, simplifying the build process from code, and making it possible to build multiple Unity Players or use an external UI like a command line or an Editor Window.How to use Skyer Builder?You can use our window from Unity Editor, you can access it from "Window > Skyer Builder". In the window, the process is very intuitive, you only choose a path by clicking on "..." and clicking on any checkbox, ending with only one click on the "Build" button to start the build process.Another way to use the Skyer Builder is using code, in the wiki of Skyer Builder in GitLab, you can view the documentation on how to use it.My target isn't supported by Skyer BuilderIf this occurs, you can do two things to solve this question. You can create an Issue here requesting official support for your target. You can also add support for your target forking or modifying locally the Skyer Builder source.How to download Skyer Builder?You can install it from Unity Asset Store or directly from the repository on GitLab, downloading the Unity Package from here or adding a package from the git URL "https://gitlab.com/deersoftware/skyerbuilder.git" in the Unity Package Manager.CreditsThe Skyer Builder is created by Nashira Deer and maintained by DeerSoftware, licensed with the MIT License to anyone who can use, modify and distribute your Skyer Builder.Enables multiple platform building.Can be used from Unity Editor.Can be used from the command line.Can be used from code.Is open source.Is customizable.Easy to use.Easily to maintain and update.